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Vendredi 20 Septembre 2024
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Marie Curie

New Insights into the Vertebrate Head through Lineage Tracing and Single Cell Approaches

Despite apparent differences between humans and fish, our biological similarities are more profound than commonly recognized. This presentation explores how zebrafish research yields valuable insights into developmental processes, tissue functions, and models for human congenital disorders. Our research group employs a combination of lineage tracing and single-cell analysis techniques, leading to unexpected discoveries that enhance our understanding of vertebrate biology. Specifically, we will highlight recent advances in studying Alkaptonuria, a rare genetic disorder with notably high prevalence in Slovakia. By leveraging zebrafish models, we aim to elucidate the mechanisms underlying this condition and potentially inform future therapeutic strategies.

Affiche du séminaire



Masaryk University Brno, Czech republic

Invité(e)(s) par

Silvia FRE
Génétique et biologie du développement (UMR3215 / U934)

Institut Curie


Silvia FRE

Institut Curie

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