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Lundi 16 Septembre 2024
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Constant-Burg - 12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5e

When Nuance Matters: The lesser known side of PD1 signaling

The inhibitory immunoreceptor PD1 is a major cancer immunotherapy target. Anti-PD1 blockade antibodies have become the standard of care for cancer patients, but the low response rate and associated immune related side effects necessitate a better understanding of PD1 mechanism. Best known to be expressed by T cells, PD1 transduces inhibitory signals to attenuate T cell response upon binding to its ligand PDL1. In this seminar I will share our ongoing studies on the unexpected nuances in the signaling mechanism of PD1.


Enfu Hui
Associate Professor

Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, UCSD, San Diego

Invité(e)(s) par

Ana Maria Lennon

Institut Curie

Claire Hivroz

Institut Curie


Sylvia Trival

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En bref

Biography: Dr. Enfu Hui’s lab at UCSD studies the mechanism of T cell signaling at the interface of biophysics, biochemistry, cell biology and functional immunology. Dr. Hui obtained his Ph.D. in 2009 from UW Madison. He then completed his postdoctoral training at UCSF as a fellow of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society before starting his own lab at the School of Biological Sciences at UCSD in July 2016. He was selected as a Searle Scholar, a Pew Scholar and a recipient of the R37 MERIT Award to early stage investigators from the US National Cancer Institute.