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Monday, May 13th, 2024
Hôpital site de Paris - Amphithéâtre Hélène Martel-Massignac (BDD)

“Deconstruct-Reconstruct” – Decode cancer-immune crosstalk & probe with organoids

The Roose team at UCSF studies mechanisms of cell-cell interactions in immunology and cancer1-7, with emphasis on personalized medicine4,8 and single cell approaches9-11. Over the past 7 years, we shifted a large portion of our research efforts to understanding human biology and disease. We are deeply interested in the cellular networks that underpin autoimmune diseases and cancer, which I will talk about in my seminar at the Curie Institute. We “deconstruct” these diseases with single cell technology to generate hypotheses on disease-driving cellular networks.

Through our work on cancer & stem cells, we optimized organoid protocols, propagating, characterizing, and biobanking patient organoids. In my seminar I will cover the organoid pipelines we established in my lab and will present how we are combining these organoids with epithelial cell types together with other patient cell types in assembloids. I will particularly focus on how we are using assembloids to “reconstruct” disease and better understand cancer-immune cell crosstalk. We aim to deconstruct and reconstruct T cell subsets and explore functional T cell programs in the context of cancer metastasis and cancers for which immunotherapy needs to be improved. We believe that assembloids offer many opportunities to make basic research discoveries with direct translational potential.


Jeroen Roose
Professor & Vice Chair Anatomy department - Cofounder & CoLead UCSF ImmunoX Initiative

University of California, San Francisco

Invited by

Ana Maria Lennon

Institut Curie


Sylvia Trival

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To sum up

Early career. I obtained my PhD in The Netherlands where I investigated Wnt signaling and cancer in the lab of Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences recipient Dr. Hans Clevers. I subsequently studied Ras signaling in lymphocytes during my postdoc in the lab of HHMI investigator Dr. Arthur Weiss at UCSF. In 2007, I started my own research at UCSF, initially focusing on signaling pathways and cell fate choices.

Current career. I am currently fulfilling leadership positions in my home department, in ImmunoX, in three large research programs, and at UCSF. I am a tenured Professor and Vice Chair of Anatomy. I am a co-founder of UCSF's Bakar ImmunoX Immunology Program, co-lead on UCSF’s AutoIPI (AutoImmunoProfiler) funded by a Pharma consortium, co-lead on the UCSF Endeavor program funded by the Mark Foundation for Cancer research, and Lead-PI on a P01. Program grant in its third cycle funded by NIAID, NIH. I am co-director for a medical school course and a graduate school course and I serve on numerous committees at UCSF.

Roose lab – research. The Roose lab focuses on understanding cell fitness and cell fate decisions driven by cell-cell interactions and signaling pathways, in the context of stem cell biology, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. By taking a collaborative approach working with biophysicists, engineers, geneticists, and many clinicians, our team spans the gamut from fundamental to pre-clinical science. I am a recipient of multiple grants and awards including support from the NIH, foundations, philanthropy and industry