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Mercredi 28 Février 2024
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Constant-Burg - 12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5e

Spliceosome Mutations in Myeloid Malignancy

The primary goal of Dan Larson's laboratory is to understand gene expression in eukaryotic cells, starting from the mechanistic behavior of individual macromolecules and proceeding to their regulation in cells and tissue.
The laboratory utilizes a battery of biophysical, molecular and genomic approaches, including single-molecule microscopy, RNA visualization in fixed and living cells, computational modeling of gene regulation, and nascent RNA sequencing. Dr. Larson helped pioneer in vivo single-molecule studies of transcription and splicing.

The view that has emerged from these studies is that gene regulation is a dynamic process resulting in stochastic variation within populations. Current work is focused on applying these experimental and theoretical approaches to the study of hematopoiesis in health and disease through the trans-NIH Myeloid Malignancies Program.

Affiche du séminaire


Dr Dan Larson
Senior Investigator at the Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression, Center for Cancer Research, US National Cancer Institute

Invité(e)(s) par

Dr Joshua Waterfall
Team leader Integrative functional genomics of cancer
Département de Recherche Translationnelle

Institut Curie


Dr Joshua Waterfall

Team leader Integrative functional genomics of cancer

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