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  • Du Lundi 30 Septembre 2024 Au Vendredi 4 Octobre 2024 - Cours international - séminaire

    Analyse spatiale de données multimodales : quand les omiques rencontrent les images (Biologie des Systèmes du Cancer)

    Le cours réunira des intervenants de premier plan issus de différents domaines de la biologie des systèmes cancéreux, de la recherche sur le cancer et de la clinique. Les orateurs invités exposeront diverses approches pour l'analyse et l'interprétation des données omiques, d'imagerie et cliniques...

  • Du Lundi 14 Octobre 2024 Au Vendredi 18 Octobre 2024 - Cours international - séminaire

    6th International Breast Cancer Course - From Clinics to Biology

    This 6th edition of the international breast cancer course organized by the Institut Curie offers a comprehensive overview of current topics on clinical and biological aspects of breast cancer. This course brings together internationally renowned experts who will present the latest innovations in...

  • Du Lundi 21 Octobre 2024 Au Mercredi 30 Octobre 2024 - Cours international - séminaire

    Developmental Biology: from stem cells to morphogenesis - 15th edition

    Institut Curie and Sorbonne Université organize their 15th International Developmental Biology course. The aim of the program is to provide the participants a comprehensive coverage of the paradigms, problems and technologies of modern Developmental Biology paying particular attention to stem ...

  • Du Mardi 12 Novembre 2024 Au Vendredi 15 Novembre 2024 - Cours international - séminaire

    Advanced Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy 2024

    The Immunity and Cancer Unit of Institut Curie (INSERM U932) is organizing the 7th edition of the Advanced Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy. In the context of ongoing cooperation projects with research teams in Chile and Argentina that have resulted in the prior organization of work...

  • Du Mardi 12 Novembre 2024 Au Vendredi 15 Novembre 2024 - Cours international - séminaire

    Advanced Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy 2024

    The Immunity and Cancer Unit of Institut Curie (INSERM U932) is organizing the 7th edition of the Advanced Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy. In the context of ongoing cooperation projects with research teams in Chile and Argentina that have resulted in the prior organization of work...

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